A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Wild Weekend

Well, the thought of having a relaxing weekend just disappeared...last night (Friday night) my brother left at around 10 and my mom let him go to a billiard's place in a not-so-nice part of town till 1 (total bullcrap since she wouldn't let me stay out past 12 when I was flippin' 18). Now he's supposed to be pulling in the garage at 1, it's 1:40 before he even calls and gives this line of bull to my mom, which she buys and lets him leave once the game is done. It's 2:30 and he isn't home yet, so I wake up my mom and tell her, she calls him on his cell to tell him to leave that place right then, but this guy he's playing with is screaming on the other end that he has to finish his game. My mom's freaked out by this point, so we jump in my car and head over there ready to call the cops. When we get there, we find out that my brother is an absolute moron and bet his two poolsticks (or $300), not to mention an earlier bet as well. This guy would not give back the sticks even though my brother is 16 (definitely not allowed to gamble, not to mention gambling's illegal throughout the state). So my mom is just going off on this guy saying she's going to call the cops if this white trash doesn't give back the stupid things. Then my dad shows up and makes a deal with the guy to settle for $200 and give the sticks back, which my brother has to pay my dad in full for being a complete retard. So basically, Miah's one step away from losing his car (already lost all driving privileges and won't be able to leave the house besides school for a month at least). Moral of the story: #1 Don't be a friggin retard and gamble. #2 Don't have kids since the probability they'll be worthless increases with every generation.

Have a nice day.

A Weekend Away

This past week has been one interesting week indeed. I changed my major, dropped a class, got a job, joined the REAL facebook (woot), bombed a quiz, aced a test, and most importantly found the Father again. It's been a week of high and lows. The highest would have to be Spiritual Renewal Week with Dr. Richard Allen Farmer. He reminded me of what I knew all along. God cares, God's there, and God hears us. (You can listen to this amazing man at http://www.taylor.edu/experience/chapel.htm) Seeing the bliss he was living in reminded me of the "good ol' days" living every breath with God right there. When he would speak of the overflowing love you experience with Jesus, it made me cry tears of joy since I knew exactly what he was talking about. There is truly nothing that can compare to the love of the Almighty. There is no other way to know what I'm talking about unless you've been there. It's a lot like love itself, there is no way you can capture the feelings you experience in any amount of words. Once you've experienced the absolute peace and freedom that Christ can bring to your life (and even my messed up life), everything else pales in comparison and you'll never be able to find satisfaction in your life ever again. This is what I've been living for several months now...horrible, painful emptiness. I had no purpose, no love, no faith in the God that had delivered me from my troubles so many times before. This rebirth of my soul has brought me immesurable peace during these times of pure chaos. All is as God wills it...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Psycho Accountant

I had a very interesting thing happen yesterday...my accounting prof. kicked us out of class. Two guys in the back were sleeping and no one (as always) was answering his stupid questions everyone already knows, so he just came to a screeching halt in the middle of a lecture. He started breathing really heavy and I could just see his face was saying in bold letters "PO'D". He gave us this speech on how my professor "has to go to work Friday and so do you [students] and you won't get to stop working on Friday out in the real world either!" He then went on about how nobody had their books open (or didn't have them at all) during a LECTURE...retard. I don't even own the book since Merlin has it. After he kicked us out at around 3, he sent 5 e-mails at 3:21, 3:28, 3:30, 3:41, 4:01. This man was p.o.'d beyond anything I've ever witnessed. Now we have to come to class or it's 10 pts. off, if we sleep it's 10 pts. off, we now have assigned seats, if we don't answer questions that he asks us right, we lose points. Is it just me or did someone forget to take their Midol?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Routine

Now that I'm in my own groove with school, it's ok. This semester looks like it's going to be ok, not great, just ok. My classes are far from getting to their true horrible difficulty which I'm oh so looking forward to. My doubts about my major don't help. I just wish I could see into the future to see how this would all work out. I think I'm going to for sure move to Business Management/Systems so I can avoid the incredible stress of programming (and not having a clue what I'm doing). I really wish this frickin' major wasn't so involved with programming. There is no way this is real world. I've talked with many administrators and have never heard a thing about needing to know programming at all. I'm just going to grit my teeth and make it through this semester with a semblence of a GPA. I just wish there was somebody around that I could talk to. The guys are cool to hang out with, but I just don't have those deep conversations with them like I do with most girls (which have pretty much disappeared from my life). I just wish someone would show me what to do...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Back to School

I'm back at Taylor finally and I must say it's good to be back after that very boring summer. It's a lot different without all the seniors here as well as Clog & Jere. I think it'll just make me be more creative in what to do around here. Having all the Bhoners around is still pretty strange since it seems they should be downstairs. There are a couple I could see myself hanging out with, but most of them are complete tools. I have yet to see what an open house w/ 3 floors of girls is like, but we'll see. We're having our "retreat" this weekend and since gas prices have skyrocketed I decided to stay here instead of getting my car fixed back home. The retreat should be ok, we're going to the Rayburn's (our floor sponsors) for a cookout, games, possible dinner with the new President of Taylor and then the naming ceremony of the new freshman (yes, man, since there's only one) and a couple transfer students as well as the Bhoners we want to pick on;). My classes are going to be pretty hard, especially Discrete Mathematics which is basically Math From Hell 101. Hopefully it won't make me hate my life too much, but we'll see. I've gotten to hang out with Fife, Nelly, and Burl in their apartment which has been good being back with the "good ol' boys". I just think it's interesting how I'm nearly the only Sophomore that hangs out with the upperclassmen, especially the seniors. Anyhoo, I'm off to watch a movie and relax after my first week of classes. Adios and God bless.