Death of a Pirate
This Sunday marked the end of my "career" as a pirate. Darren shared from Romans 13 and talked about how we should submit to the authorities God has put in our lives, however unjust they might be. But also that if their word contradicts the Word of God then we are to stand, not to kneal or to run, but to stand and take what they dish out. This is much like the thinking behind Ghandi and MLK Jr. Pirating for me has always been about "sticking it to the Man" or the whole Robin Hood mentality. Unfortunately for Robin Hood, Paul wrote Romans 13. Although I can't realistically ditch everything immediately (since I couldn't use my computer), I plan to stop pirating from now on and phase out anything I'm currently using. Mainly this means I'm going open source for everything from now on since I don't have the $$$ to pay "the Man". I still very much consider myself anti-copywrite and this will probably fuel that feeling. So instead of sticking it to the Man, I hope to stand up to the Man and let him know I'm not moving. Arrivederci.
P.S. My heartfelt condolences to those of you who think of me as your Blockbuster.
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