A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Back to School

I'm back at Taylor finally and I must say it's good to be back after that very boring summer. It's a lot different without all the seniors here as well as Clog & Jere. I think it'll just make me be more creative in what to do around here. Having all the Bhoners around is still pretty strange since it seems they should be downstairs. There are a couple I could see myself hanging out with, but most of them are complete tools. I have yet to see what an open house w/ 3 floors of girls is like, but we'll see. We're having our "retreat" this weekend and since gas prices have skyrocketed I decided to stay here instead of getting my car fixed back home. The retreat should be ok, we're going to the Rayburn's (our floor sponsors) for a cookout, games, possible dinner with the new President of Taylor and then the naming ceremony of the new freshman (yes, man, since there's only one) and a couple transfer students as well as the Bhoners we want to pick on;). My classes are going to be pretty hard, especially Discrete Mathematics which is basically Math From Hell 101. Hopefully it won't make me hate my life too much, but we'll see. I've gotten to hang out with Fife, Nelly, and Burl in their apartment which has been good being back with the "good ol' boys". I just think it's interesting how I'm nearly the only Sophomore that hangs out with the upperclassmen, especially the seniors. Anyhoo, I'm off to watch a movie and relax after my first week of classes. Adios and God bless.


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