A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

My Letter

Next time you think that cancelling our memberships, think again. At least have the basic decency to let us know you're going to bend us over. I stood in line for a half hour waiting on the girl to finally see that only your name was there and not to mention the Sams Club incident. If you want to lose all respect in my eyes, you're not too far off. I've been trying to forgive you ever since the divorce but amazingly you've found ways to dig up all the anger and pain by bringing up your relationship with a woman you cheated on mom with. If you had any idea the shame that brings to our whole family...you are a complete hypocrite of our faith in my eyes. Hearing you talk about morality makes me want to laugh since you lack any principle at all. If you want to try to buy my love like Clark's always have, good luck. I hope that adultery was worth losing your family. If you want to go and blame mom for turning me against you, don't give her so much credit since you did the job all by yourself. I saw you trying to hide that you were watching porn late at night and how you searched the adult Yahoo Personals when I was only a kid, but I covered your tracks for you for the sake of the family. Then when you crossed the line and took it out of the house, I felt like I had just been crucified by my "father". It took a "non-Christian" Catholic to pull me up out of my depression and see that I had a real Father, but He would never betray me. I saw Satan's grip on your life when you refused to allow mom to my birthday and seeing you give Billy's card to Jeremiah...if you would have given that to me I would have spit in your face. And don't think I don't know about mom's adultery. The reason I've forgiven her is because she tearfully told me everything and begged my forgiveness, something my former role model and spiritual model has never had the guts to do. She changed her ways, and I pray regularly that you will too. I've wanted to go in front of the church and show them the real Michael Clark, not this fake Christian you show off. If you want to be my father again, follow these steps: Tell me the whole truth, genuinely ask my forgiveness, and change. If you aren't willing to do this, I have no choice but to forgive and forget you and you will never know my wife or my children. This has been two years overdue, but I pray to God that you would be my father. May God be with you.

His child,


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