A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Evangelical my @**

First, read this story, http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/06/22/airforce.religion/index.html, and tell me that's not the most biased story you've ever seen. Not only do they categorize these filth with evangelical Christians (many of which are extremely pro-Israeli) as anti-Semitists but also group that in with rape charges. Can we group evangelicals with Nazis today? Give me a break. These aren't Christians at all. They use the cross just like the KKK, and they're no more Christian. The whole article seems to be directed at a Christian's duty, which many do not practice, to evangelize the lost for Christ. I'll admit I've met many Christians that didn't have a clue how to talk to someone for their own well-being (salvation), but seem to shove it down their throats. However, just because a tactless semi-Christian offended someone doesn't mean you can strip our right of free speech and expression of our faith. If you can cuss me out I think it's not too much to ask to allow me to share the message many have died for in China, the Middle East, Africa, Cuba, Japan...all because that right doesn't exist. And next time you think about wearing your W.W.J.D. bracelet...don't...somehow I can't see Jesus having a bumpersticker of "I Save" on his donkey.


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