A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Economic Theory of NeoPopulism

The following is an outline of my idea of an ideal economic system, although this is incredibly simplified to be implimented on this outline (mostly me just playing Adam Smith or Karl Marx), it's a basis on which a much more knowledgable person could build on. Just a random thought that I wrote down back in the day...

First, let me define what Populism is. Populism is a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite that was founded in the 1860's. Although the views of the Populist Party and the views I'm going to cover are totally different, they have the same principles, freedom and power for the ordinary man. I would define the theory of Neo-Populism as an economic and social system based on worker initiative and democratic ideals. The major points of my economic and social theory are the following:
-Worker-owned corporations (No publicly traded companies)
-Corporate profits divided equally to all employees, no matter what position.
-Government sets standards of minimum wage, worker hours, etc.
-All promotions based on colleagues approval (Consent to be governed)
-Flat tax on non-essential commodities (No income tax - No corporate profit tax)
-Workers choose representatives to decide on wages, health care, retirement, etc.
-Nearly complete private ownership
-Free healthcare and education (Voucher system)

*The outline for a NeoPopulist banking system*

The reasons behind these points are simple and common sense. Worker-owned corporations would give the individual the sense he or she is working not for "The Man", but for each other and themselves. The peer pressure of relying on each other would drive employees towards excellence, not to mention having the added incentive of reaping the rewards of corporate profit directly. Very few people see direct and immediate reward for hard work for a large corporations because the whole company would have to have the same work ethic. With many many companies seeing CEOs steal away corporate profit and bribing politicians to fatten their wallets even more, it's time workers said enough is enough.

With all promotions based on colleagues approval, the chances that a "corporate suck-up" would succeed in getting into any place of authority would be nearly impossible. This would also increase respect for people in high authority, showing much more credibility than a good tennis match with the boss. Using your own colleagues as representatives to decide on very important matters of health care, wages, and retirement would ensure that the average worker would have a voice instead of CEOs issuing massive layoffs just to boost their stock price.
Free healthcare and education is not only a necessity but a foundation of Christianity. Instead of a flawed Canadian system that leaves patients with the poorest quality for no price, health care professionals would be paid on the basis of how many people they help, period. The highest quality hospitals would receive more patients, and more funding thereby creating competition between hospitals based on quality. Price restrictions of hospital equipment is a must as companies would take advantage of the preverbal "blank check" governments encourage with their wastefulness. Education would be based on the same principles, every child would have a voucher which they could use at any school within a set boundary, be it district, township, or county. This would ensure that poor intercity children could have a part in good schools, not just the same ones that create another generation of poverty.

Private ownership of most services would ensure that the best quality and lowest price is pursued out of competition, principle to capitalism (the backbone of NeoPopulism). Governmental waste would be reduced, bringing down taxes, which would then fuel a better and stronger economy and reduce government debt. Having taxes based on a flat sales tax gives the poor much more control over their finances while at the same time not penalizing the wealthy for their success. The fact is that the rich will always spend more money than anyone else, thereby getting tax revenue, decreasing poverty levels, decreasing the power of "Old Money", and giving the needy back the money they've earned. Having tax bans on essential commodities is a necessity to make sure that the poorest of the poor can still afford food, clothing, housing, etc.
In total, the basis of NeoPopulism is freedom, freedom to have a say in your own fate, be it economic, social, or political. Giving the power of choice back to the common man is common sense.
Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

No Job No Life

Well, it's a week into the summer and I've gotten 1 call from Best Buy (that was supposed to call me back, but didn't) so I think I screwed myself over by waiting so long to get a job. Frick...so I guess I'm going to be cleaning the house, mowing a couple lawns and *hopefully* will be working on some computers around town if God is good. With absolutely nothing to do all day, my motivation is dying day by day and I've yet to call one friend to hang out. I've got something lined up with good ol' Stevo from Ben Davis, but otherwise I'm back to my highschool loser days. I'm really starting to see how bad I've ignored all my old friends to the point we can barely chat online anymore. I talk to a agnostic lesbian more than I do my best friend, how screwed up is that? I suck as a friend...I wish I could just bring all my friends to one town where I could hang out with them whenever I wanted (mostly Ash & Jenni). Jenni...boy did I mess up there. I had a pretty, Christian, loving girl waiting for me to ask her out and being the tool that I am I didn't pick up on any of the signals too afraid that I would misread a signal and trash the friendship. Am I still doing that? I tried the whole getting back with Baileigh thing but that ended before it took off and it seems like Ash is drifting away and all my junior friends are moving off the floor and Aaron & Karrie are leaving for AZ...just a total relationship deterioration...but how bout them Colts? I did feel like God was trying to talk to me again at Aaron's ordination...somehow I feel like I should have been in his shoes. Is it my dream of having people listen to me or my dreams of power and respect or is it truly God? I've felt this call to reunite the Church for awhile and I don't know if it's from Him or if it's anywhere near possible. Maybe it's just my wish for Catholics (Ash) and Protestants (me) to be unified again just as Martin Luther wanted in the first place. What does my nonexistant audience think?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Bye Bye Bhone

Last night Sigma Beta(2nd Bergwall Hall) got the news that the first floor guys (Bhone) are being done away with for a year and are all moving up here since admissions screwed up and admitted way more females than males (a good thing in my book). The bad news is first floor is a bunch of antisocial nerds that do absolutely nothing and we won't have any freshmen at all. Another down side is we're going to have 4 P.A.s (or RAs) and 2 D.A.s (Discipleship assistants) which will either be nice or incredibly bad if they won't let us do anything since 3 out of the 4 are from Bhone. Good news...there will be an almost 3:1 ratio of girls to guys *applause*. Whether or not the Bhone guys are tools, we'll be the only floor in Bergwall for any of them to go. ;) Sweetness indeed. Hopefully all will work out for a great year although we still have to figure out whose traditions we're going to do. Should be interesting....

Sunday, May 15, 2005

My Reply

I trust you had a good time at St Elmo's. I understand that you were upset and that is OK. But, you should not have said what you did at the end. You owe me an apology. Billy and I have been going for counseling for over two years now. She and her family go to church on a regular basic. She has gone with me and Grandma and Grandpa Clark twice to Plainfield Christian. She does come up and stay when it is necessary, but we have decided to be celibate. Since, you have not meet her or know anything about her, it is not fair to make that kind of judgement. I did behaviors in the past that were bad, I own up to them and have ask for God's and your forgiveness, but I have not done any of those things for years now. I have never used that kind of language and would like for my sons to never use those words concerning any woman. [referring to my calling Billy a "slut"] Remember, that we are all sinners in the sight of God and only his grace makes us worthy. And in his eyes we are all his children until Judgement. He judges the heart, not us. Think about this and let me know. I love you and am very proud of what you are doing at Taylor. Dad
After thinking it over I was wrong afterall. I have owned you an apology ever since the beginning. Here it goes:
I'm sorry for...the adultery, the pain and disgrace you feel every time your mother says "You're acting like your father", all the times you've tried to forgive me but I've gone and brought my sin out again in front of you just enough to bring back that horrible day when you found out about my sin, never asking for forgiveness but always comparing myself to your mother's sin when she stood in front of me and begged for forgiveness and reconciliation, bringing pornography and alcohol into the home, never encouraging your children to worship the Lord on Sundays, blantantly disobeying the Word of God in nearly every teaching on marraige and adultery, teaching your children to conduct "shady" business practices again demonstrating a lack of Christian morality, all the tracks of pornography and sexual perversion I've left on the computer for you to find and been forced for the sake of the marraige to ignore praying for me to turn from my ways, how I continue in my sin while claiming to be under the Grace of Jesus Christ (contradictory to Hebrews 6), and finally for being disgrace on your name by "dating" a prostitute and having a second family to give you a family legacy of sin. It's just too bad it's not you saying this...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Happy B-day

Well, I've turned the big 2-0 and it's turned into WWIII...tonight was supposed to be a good night out with my dad, grandparents, my brother, and I wanted my mom to come (my parents are divorced if you didn't know). For some reason my dad told my mom not to come and upon my e-mailing him telling him to let her come since it was MY birthday afterall...he goes and cancels the dinner reservations and blames my mom for turning me against him. Although, his adultery is really what makes me hate him, but that's just too straight forward for my dad to handle since he wants to live in this two-sided world where he can do whatever he wants and still have a "family" and his "Christianity". He taught me from the day I was born that all one had in life was respect, isn't it ironic that he was the one that completely lost all respect. I officially am beginning the process of letting him know what I've failed to tell him the past couple years. Pray for me in this. He holds my tuition in front of me like a carrot so I'll continue to play his game, but is it worth selling your soul for an education? We will see. God be with me.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

2 Weeks till Summer

The end is coming...for school at least. I'm excited, bummed, and relieved all in one. I'll miss the floor this summer without having anyone to watch movies with (although I'll have my P-town friends around). I'm excited for a new job, hopefully doing something I'll like, and the ever present bumming time and no papers! I'm relieved that there'll be no more Monday night labs or Wednesday all-nighters to finish machine problems for COS250 (btw, Dr. Geisler's the antiChrist if you didn't know). This summer will be nice not to have Nugs wake me up every morning with his regular banging of his mouse, shower door, closet, you name it. (He's also sleeping as I type, beginning at 8 till now, 9:38). Going home this weekend was nice, even with my mom's friend's todler there (Miks, pronounced Mika since he's Latvian). Some things about kids I like, such as Miks running up to me and going "Joel!" commanding me to pick him up at the restaurant we went to for Mother's Day. But when it comes to when Miks started throwing up in the middle of dinner at Olive Garden...that is the reason I'm never getting a kid...or at least being around for that mess (I had to look away or join him if ya know what I mean. He was a really quiet and content little kid for the most part. My mom kept saying he looked and acted just like me when I was that old, not too bad of a todler myself [the perfect child;)]. Well, off to program, and pray I can do very well on my finals next week and for strength to hang in there for the last stretch. God bless you all.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Doctrine: Election

ELECTION by Anonymous

"God’s plan to bring salvation to His people and His world. Election encompasses the entire range of divine activity from creation-God’s decision to bring the world into being out of nothing-to the end time, the making anew of heaven and earth. The Bible uses words such as “choose,” “predestinate,” “foreordain,” “determine,” and “call” to indicate that God has entered into a special relationship with certain individuals and groups through whom He has decided to fulfill His purpose within the history of salvation.

The doctrine of election is rooted in the conviction that out of all peoples on earth God has chosen to reveal Himself in a special, unique way to Israel. Five major motifs in the OT portray God’s election of Israel:

1. Election is the result of the sovereign initiative of God.
2. Israel described their special relationship with God as covenant, not a contract between equal partners, but a bond established by God’s unmerited favor and love (Deut. 7:6-7)
3. God selected certain individuals to fulfill specific functions though in different ways and for various purposes: Abraham (Neh. 9:7), Moses (Ps. 106:23), Aaron (Num. 16:1-17:13), David (Ps. 78:70), Solomon (1 Chron. 28:10), and Zerubbabel (Hag. 2:23). Jeremiah believed God had elected him and set him apart as a prophet even before he was born (Jer. 1:4-5).
4. Israel’s election was never intended to be a pretext for pride; but rather an opportunity for service (Isa. 42:6; compare Jer. 7:1-14; Amos 3:2; Jonah).
5. Later OT writings and especially intertestamental literature tend to identify the “elect ones” with the true, faithful “remnant” among the people of God. The birth of the Messiah is seen as marking the dawn of the age of salvation for the remnant (Ezek. 34:12-13, 23-31; Mic. 5:1-2).

Early Christians saw themselves as heirs of Israel’s election (1 Pet. 2:9). Certain individuals are chosen by God: the 12 apostles (Luke 6:13), Peter (Acts 15:7), Paul (Acts 9:15), and Jesus himself (Luke 9:35; 23:35). The Synoptic Gospels always set the term “elect ones” in an eschatological context (Mark 13:20). Many of the parables of Jesus (Matt. 20:1-16; 22:1-14) illustrate the sovereignty of God in salvation. Jesus is the unmistakable Mediator of the election (John 15:16; compare 17:5,12). Through Judas’ status as one of the elect is called into question by his betrayal of Christ, not even this act was able to thwart the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation.

Romans 8:28-39 presents divine election as the ground and assurance of the Christian’s hope. Romans 9-11 is preoccupied with Israel’s rejection of Christ that, in the purpose of God has become the occasion for the entrance of Gentile believers into the covenant. Ephesians 1:1-12 points to the Christ as the center of election: God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Our election is strictly and solely in Christ. As the eternal Son, He is along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the electing God; as the incarnate Mediator between God and humankind, He is the elected One. We should never speak of predestination apart from this central truth.

Paul admonished the Thessalonians to give thanks because of their election (2 Thess. 2:13), while Peter said that we should make our “calling and election sure” (2 Pet. 1:10)

Predestination does not negate the necessity for human repentance and faith; rather, it establishes the possibility of both. God has chosen the preaching as the means to awaken faith in the elect (1 Cor. 1:21). We should proclaim the gospel to everyone without exception, knowing that it is only the Holy Spirit who can convict, regenerate, and justify).

Some passages (Rom. 9:11-22, 2 Cor. 2:15-16) portray God as a potter who has molded both vessels of mercy and vessels of destruction. God chose us “to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit” (2 Thess. 2-13). We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, even though to be sure, it is God who is at work within us both to will and do His good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13). The proper response to election is not pride but gratitude for God’s amazing grace that saves eternally.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ (Rom. 8:35-39)"
I was given this article by a good friend of mine and thought it might serve useful in enlightening (or challenging) some of us in our thoughts on being apart of God's election. For all you Arminians out there, forgive me, but I left your camp after I read this. Free will has been given to us, but our free will will always lead to our fate whether into the arms of our Lord or to the "lord of the air".

Sunday, May 01, 2005

2nd Bergwall, gotta love it. Posted by Hello

Doctrine: Homosexuality

What does the Word say?

Old Testament:
-'Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. They called to Lot,"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." (Genesis 19:4-5) [read in context]
-'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.'(Leviticus 18:22)
-'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them havedone what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.' (Leviticus 20:13)

New Testament:
-'Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even theirwomen exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same waythe men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamedwith lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men,and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. (Romans 1:26-27)
-'Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters noradulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thievesnor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inheritthe kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
-'...knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but forthe lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, forthe unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites [homosexuals], forkidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thingthat is contrary to sound doctrine,... '(1 Timothy 1:9-10)

As you can see, homosexuality, just as much a sin as anything else, is spelled out in the OT & NT...then why is there even need for discussion? The answer is in the amount of times you've probably picked up your dusty Bible on the bookshelf.

First, there must be a understanding of Christian holiness in terms of how God views our sin. "For the wages of sin is death" as we all know, but aren't there categories of sins just like in nation's laws? Unfortunately, no. Lying to your boss about the time you spent at lunch is equal in the eyes of God if you had just murdered that same boss. Holy is Holy, there is no substitute or gray area. It's either evil or good. Homosexuality, a sin by definition of both Moses's Torah and Paul's letters, is just a great a sin as any and needs to be transformed by the Holy Spirit through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.

Second, sin is our own choice. Although we have no control over the temptations we are given on a daily basis, how we deal with that tempation is how we are judged. Without Christ, we have no hope since "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". So the very term "sexual preference" is invalid as we are not permitted to make that choice in the first place. It is but a sin in need of a Savior just as much as an addiction to porn (lifestyle choice) needs to be repented, forgiven, and transformed. Some argue that it is like a disease, and who could condemn anyone with a terminal illness? There is no empirical evidence by an unbiased source that has ever labeled homosexuality as a gene or much less an illness (which it was actually viewed as several decades ago). If I'm wrong, prove me wrong. I'd love to know as I haven't been anywhere near convinced by others. Homosexuality can and has been 'cured' in the sense that it is the 'terminal disease' of sexual perversion (both homosexual and heterosexual) that plagues many in our society, but some have escaped the death of sin and sought life in the Lord.

Now should they be allowed to raise children? As a Christian, I sin almost daily, so what sets me apart from them? I know it's wrong. Just as children who are raised around alcohol and drugs have the proven tendency to carry on that sinful legacy, a gay couple would obviously not teach their children that what they practice daily is sinful for they don't think it is. No matter how one might have been raised (alcholic father, prostitute mother, etc), having gay parents would be just as bad for the spiritual life of a developing child, even if they are much more emotionally stable. A 'gay lifestyle' is a life of sin going unchecked since instead of having moments where one might give in to tempation temporarilly but come to and acknowledge their sin, they live and bask (gay pride) in their sinfulness as something to be proud of when in fact it's as foolish as a 'cancer pride day'.

Now should this 'disease' be killed off or hated? ABSOLUTELY NOT. The killing of a sinner is even worse than that of a Christian since they've just been sent to Hell without the knowledge of their falleness. Cursed be the person that hates their fallen brother. We were all at one time just as lost, just as sinful. Just as we needed an intercessor for our horrific sins (at least in God's eye), should we say they are undeserving of the unconditional Grace of Jesus Christ? Do we not belive in this 'Amazing Grace'? The greater the forgiveness of sin, the greater glory of our Father in my opinion, but there still always needs to be a lifestyle change being 'dead to sin' and 'raised to a new life in Jesus Christ'.

One might say, "It's a harsh 'god' who would create people simply for the enjoyment of dooming them to a live of segrgation at the hands of 'his children'". This misconception is just as widespread is it's absolutely wrong. The Triune God created us to give glory and joy to Him, the Holy One that loves us beyond any description I could pen. But one might ask me, "have you ever had someone try to 'love you back to christ'?" And I must say "yes", but I am keenly aware of the attempts of some misguided Christians to display a love, however fake and self enforced, to people that have fallen which just makes the situation worse as it tends to not only to demean and insult the person, but also drives them away from Christ. Although, having someone who would die for you criticize a part of your life that you've fallen in, knowing they only want the best for you, makes a HUGE difference and I'm a totally different person for that genuine, Christian love.

Fine, but isn't the OT over and done with now that the Gospel of Grace is in effect? All those sins as defined by the OT (mainly Leviticus) are still evil, but are approached differently, just as Christ said "I'm not here to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it". We still have morals (dictated by the OT), but we're to live them out with love, the Greatest Commandment. The Jews missed the point of the Law, and many Christians have too. Without Christ, fulfilling the OT law was impossible, but now we are able to accomplish it and be holy, living sacrifices to our Lord. Neither are we slave to the Law (or Torah), but we are given a New Covenant through the blood of Jesus (read more on this in Romans and 1st & 2nd Corinthians).

I hope I've been able to provide the foundation for you to go and see for yourselves. Search the Word, pray to God, and search for the answer to your questions. I'm wholly open to any discussion, for I'm still learning the ins and outs of Christian doctrine myself and I'd appreciate being set straight if there is but one err in my argument. I guarantee your questions (and mine) will be answered, if not here on earth then in Heaven. Make sure you're all in attendance, comprehende? God bless.