A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Doctrine: Homosexuality

What does the Word say?

Old Testament:
-'Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom-both young and old-surrounded the house. They called to Lot,"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." (Genesis 19:4-5) [read in context]
-'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.'(Leviticus 18:22)
-'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them havedone what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.' (Leviticus 20:13)

New Testament:
-'Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even theirwomen exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same waythe men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamedwith lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men,and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. (Romans 1:26-27)
-'Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters noradulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thievesnor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inheritthe kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
-'...knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but forthe lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, forthe unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites [homosexuals], forkidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thingthat is contrary to sound doctrine,... '(1 Timothy 1:9-10)

As you can see, homosexuality, just as much a sin as anything else, is spelled out in the OT & NT...then why is there even need for discussion? The answer is in the amount of times you've probably picked up your dusty Bible on the bookshelf.

First, there must be a understanding of Christian holiness in terms of how God views our sin. "For the wages of sin is death" as we all know, but aren't there categories of sins just like in nation's laws? Unfortunately, no. Lying to your boss about the time you spent at lunch is equal in the eyes of God if you had just murdered that same boss. Holy is Holy, there is no substitute or gray area. It's either evil or good. Homosexuality, a sin by definition of both Moses's Torah and Paul's letters, is just a great a sin as any and needs to be transformed by the Holy Spirit through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.

Second, sin is our own choice. Although we have no control over the temptations we are given on a daily basis, how we deal with that tempation is how we are judged. Without Christ, we have no hope since "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". So the very term "sexual preference" is invalid as we are not permitted to make that choice in the first place. It is but a sin in need of a Savior just as much as an addiction to porn (lifestyle choice) needs to be repented, forgiven, and transformed. Some argue that it is like a disease, and who could condemn anyone with a terminal illness? There is no empirical evidence by an unbiased source that has ever labeled homosexuality as a gene or much less an illness (which it was actually viewed as several decades ago). If I'm wrong, prove me wrong. I'd love to know as I haven't been anywhere near convinced by others. Homosexuality can and has been 'cured' in the sense that it is the 'terminal disease' of sexual perversion (both homosexual and heterosexual) that plagues many in our society, but some have escaped the death of sin and sought life in the Lord.

Now should they be allowed to raise children? As a Christian, I sin almost daily, so what sets me apart from them? I know it's wrong. Just as children who are raised around alcohol and drugs have the proven tendency to carry on that sinful legacy, a gay couple would obviously not teach their children that what they practice daily is sinful for they don't think it is. No matter how one might have been raised (alcholic father, prostitute mother, etc), having gay parents would be just as bad for the spiritual life of a developing child, even if they are much more emotionally stable. A 'gay lifestyle' is a life of sin going unchecked since instead of having moments where one might give in to tempation temporarilly but come to and acknowledge their sin, they live and bask (gay pride) in their sinfulness as something to be proud of when in fact it's as foolish as a 'cancer pride day'.

Now should this 'disease' be killed off or hated? ABSOLUTELY NOT. The killing of a sinner is even worse than that of a Christian since they've just been sent to Hell without the knowledge of their falleness. Cursed be the person that hates their fallen brother. We were all at one time just as lost, just as sinful. Just as we needed an intercessor for our horrific sins (at least in God's eye), should we say they are undeserving of the unconditional Grace of Jesus Christ? Do we not belive in this 'Amazing Grace'? The greater the forgiveness of sin, the greater glory of our Father in my opinion, but there still always needs to be a lifestyle change being 'dead to sin' and 'raised to a new life in Jesus Christ'.

One might say, "It's a harsh 'god' who would create people simply for the enjoyment of dooming them to a live of segrgation at the hands of 'his children'". This misconception is just as widespread is it's absolutely wrong. The Triune God created us to give glory and joy to Him, the Holy One that loves us beyond any description I could pen. But one might ask me, "have you ever had someone try to 'love you back to christ'?" And I must say "yes", but I am keenly aware of the attempts of some misguided Christians to display a love, however fake and self enforced, to people that have fallen which just makes the situation worse as it tends to not only to demean and insult the person, but also drives them away from Christ. Although, having someone who would die for you criticize a part of your life that you've fallen in, knowing they only want the best for you, makes a HUGE difference and I'm a totally different person for that genuine, Christian love.

Fine, but isn't the OT over and done with now that the Gospel of Grace is in effect? All those sins as defined by the OT (mainly Leviticus) are still evil, but are approached differently, just as Christ said "I'm not here to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it". We still have morals (dictated by the OT), but we're to live them out with love, the Greatest Commandment. The Jews missed the point of the Law, and many Christians have too. Without Christ, fulfilling the OT law was impossible, but now we are able to accomplish it and be holy, living sacrifices to our Lord. Neither are we slave to the Law (or Torah), but we are given a New Covenant through the blood of Jesus (read more on this in Romans and 1st & 2nd Corinthians).

I hope I've been able to provide the foundation for you to go and see for yourselves. Search the Word, pray to God, and search for the answer to your questions. I'm wholly open to any discussion, for I'm still learning the ins and outs of Christian doctrine myself and I'd appreciate being set straight if there is but one err in my argument. I guarantee your questions (and mine) will be answered, if not here on earth then in Heaven. Make sure you're all in attendance, comprehende? God bless.


Blogger Bissell said...

I found a good article at http://www.evangelicalunderground.com/archives/192 for a discussion about homosexuality in a different, but well done manner.

5/03/2005 3:50 PM

Blogger Bissell said...

Some more theological articles of interest can be found at http://jesseeng.blogspot.com/, although I don't agree with everything there, it's not bad in it's presentation.

5/03/2005 3:51 PM


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