A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Breakup Part 2

After my idiot stepbrother got caught by my mom with weed, she called the cops on him which any good parent should do. I know if I got caught with that I'd be hanging from a tree out back. So my stepdad in his infinite wisdom tells my mom its over and she was staying over with my aunt the past week. I went home Saturday to find out that they had entered counseling and were making some progress, but I guess today wasn't progress. He went off on her about how she should of let him handle it (but of course, he has no balls) and then ridiculed all the things she brought into the house. He even told her she should always leave the house if something bothers her...but isn't this her house too? Needless to say she's getting an apartment and I'll have to go move her in this weekend. Half of me is incredibly frustrated since I told her all of this would happen exactly like it has happened. She didn't believe me then or when I told her not to get a timeshare or not to let my brother move out or.....After all this I've come up with a psychological theory. "You will never respect the opinion or advice of someone who's butt you've wiped." That should be in Proverbs or something. I just hope she'll finally listen to me since I've always been right in the past. The other half of me feels sorry for her. I've always wanted the best for my mom and just want to see her happy, but unfortunately she's a bit of a drama queen...so here's some free advice: Don't marry, definitely don't have kids, and don't leave your pot sitting on the couch. You're welcome.


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