Economic Theory of NeoPopulism
The following is an outline of my idea of an ideal economic system, although this is incredibly simplified to be implimented on this outline (mostly me just playing Adam Smith or Karl Marx), it's a basis on which a much more knowledgable person could build on. Just a random thought that I wrote down back in the day...
First, let me define what Populism is. Populism is a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite that was founded in the 1860's. Although the views of the Populist Party and the views I'm going to cover are totally different, they have the same principles, freedom and power for the ordinary man. I would define the theory of Neo-Populism as an economic and social system based on worker initiative and democratic ideals. The major points of my economic and social theory are the following:
-Worker-owned corporations (No publicly traded companies)
-Corporate profits divided equally to all employees, no matter what position.
-Government sets standards of minimum wage, worker hours, etc.
-All promotions based on colleagues approval (Consent to be governed)
-Flat tax on non-essential commodities (No income tax - No corporate profit tax)
-Workers choose representatives to decide on wages, health care, retirement, etc.
-Nearly complete private ownership
-Free healthcare and education (Voucher system)
*The outline for a NeoPopulist banking system*
The reasons behind these points are simple and common sense. Worker-owned corporations would give the individual the sense he or she is working not for "The Man", but for each other and themselves. The peer pressure of relying on each other would drive employees towards excellence, not to mention having the added incentive of reaping the rewards of corporate profit directly. Very few people see direct and immediate reward for hard work for a large corporations because the whole company would have to have the same work ethic. With many many companies seeing CEOs steal away corporate profit and bribing politicians to fatten their wallets even more, it's time workers said enough is enough.
With all promotions based on colleagues approval, the chances that a "corporate suck-up" would succeed in getting into any place of authority would be nearly impossible. This would also increase respect for people in high authority, showing much more credibility than a good tennis match with the boss. Using your own colleagues as representatives to decide on very important matters of health care, wages, and retirement would ensure that the average worker would have a voice instead of CEOs issuing massive layoffs just to boost their stock price.
Free healthcare and education is not only a necessity but a foundation of Christianity. Instead of a flawed Canadian system that leaves patients with the poorest quality for no price, health care professionals would be paid on the basis of how many people they help, period. The highest quality hospitals would receive more patients, and more funding thereby creating competition between hospitals based on quality. Price restrictions of hospital equipment is a must as companies would take advantage of the preverbal "blank check" governments encourage with their wastefulness. Education would be based on the same principles, every child would have a voucher which they could use at any school within a set boundary, be it district, township, or county. This would ensure that poor intercity children could have a part in good schools, not just the same ones that create another generation of poverty.
Private ownership of most services would ensure that the best quality and lowest price is pursued out of competition, principle to capitalism (the backbone of NeoPopulism). Governmental waste would be reduced, bringing down taxes, which would then fuel a better and stronger economy and reduce government debt. Having taxes based on a flat sales tax gives the poor much more control over their finances while at the same time not penalizing the wealthy for their success. The fact is that the rich will always spend more money than anyone else, thereby getting tax revenue, decreasing poverty levels, decreasing the power of "Old Money", and giving the needy back the money they've earned. Having tax bans on essential commodities is a necessity to make sure that the poorest of the poor can still afford food, clothing, housing, etc.
In total, the basis of NeoPopulism is freedom, freedom to have a say in your own fate, be it economic, social, or political. Giving the power of choice back to the common man is common sense.