I want to go Home
I have lost everything I love. My dad and brother have turned their back on me and bring me only pain. My mom talks daily of how she thinks of suicide and the one thing I had left, Sarah, is gone. I have no one to turn to. I am alone. God has never left me, but I've left him for the emptiness of sin. I hope that the sin will dull the pain, if only for a moment, but after its all over more pain comes. I just want to be free of these chains. I long for the days with my Father and when the hard times came, He was always just a word away. I walked and talked with Him and I had joy since I knew He loved me. What have I done? I'm running from the only person who cares. I pray Christ can redeem this broken sinner and restore my life. I'm broken and weak...Father...help me. I know my Father loves me and longs for me to be home and I want to be Home more than anything in this world. Jesus, send someone that will help me back on my feet that I might one day walk with you again. Amen.