Finding God
If you would've told me how much Christ would have taught me this summer I probably wouldn't have believed you. I feel that He is calling me to first get my act together and stop sinning and start trusting. I have treated God like a little kid for so long, only praying for what I can accomplish in my own power just so I don't make God look bad. Hearing a story about a young girl in Africa just asking God like you'd ask a father for some medicine and a doll for a sick girl and getting exactly that...Christ wasn't kidding when He told us to become like children. I now feel a passion for this country's rebirth. That America would remember what her forefathers prayed for her to become, that she would praise her Father and show the world how Christ can revolutionize this dark world. I've come up with a theater business idea that I think could be a huge success and I pray that'll work out and I can help finance this Christian Revolution. As my pastor said this week, "Show people their rights and you have a revolution, show them the Truth and you have a revival." We need both. I encourage everyone to quit being silent, stop going with the flow, and stand up for the rights that were given us by God. I can pray in school. I can say His name wherever I go and whatever position I hold. What do we have to fear? Ridicule (Happens everywhere. "Religous Right" anyone?)? Unemployment (happened in America)? Imprisonment (Happened in Sweden)? If God can break Paul out of prison and save his jailer and bring the greatest empire to it's knees, who are we to fear? "Fear not for I am with you." Christ didn't come so we can sit in pews and give money to the poor, He came to save. When will the Church get off it's butt and do the Will of God?