A blog dedicated to the daily life of a man named Jude aka Bissell and his thoughts on anything under the Sun.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


This week has been awful...working everyday at 8 is absolutely killing me, no lie. I've been going on 5-6 hours of sleep everyday, feeling like I could fall asleep at any moment. Things have changed a lot from the summer...but work's been ok (even though I have to work so early). But now onto the good news.

I get wind of a "quick-pick", or a pick-a-date where we have under 2 days to find someone to go with. Ever since I've met Kristine on third Bergwall, I've been wanting to hang out with her (mostly cause she looks and acts like Jenni, which is awesome). I spose I've always been attracted to the girls I could never have, fun and outgoing (and attractive) girls. So naturally, I asked her to go with me. She tells me that she's going on her pick-a-date Friday at 5 too, so no-can-do. I figure it's a sign from God I suck or should just go home for the weekend, but things change. Butch tells me I have to go, so I just called Jess and asked her if she'd like to go since she's pretty fun and we go back and forth like an old married couple. To my suprise, this has been probably the best pick-a-date I've ever been on. We went to Olive Garden (still amazing) and not one moment of awkward silence, only laughter, then to putt-putt were Jess had to make up for my suckiness but I did get a hole-in-one, then we went to bowl and had fun jumping up in the air in the shape of an X or / whenever we got a strike or a spare. Good times. Later I came back and watched Butterfly Effect w/ Joel Kempson (Pipin) & Scooter which made for a great end to the night. All in all I think it was God working afterall. A pick-a-date's not really the way to get to know someone, so it probably wouldn't be all that great with Krisitine, but having Jess there with no need to impress but just relax and have some laughs was just what I needed after a hard week. Thank You Father...I owe ya one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give up Bissell, go for the GOLD!!!

10/02/2005 7:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah, YEAY! I'm glad you had a good time. I can def see you dating Jess. I thought for sure when I asked about her the other day you were going to say you are dating! :p
Your favorite homie

10/03/2005 12:24 AM


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